Mesh Integration Systems tailored to you…

Hair loss can be devastating. Not only can it affect our confidence, but our hair is how many of us express ourselves. Women’s hair loss is often not spoken about enough, however unfortunately it can be extremely common for a variety of reasons.

Our bespoke mesh integration systems are created using a layer of breathable, flexible mesh that acts as a second skin protecting your scalp and keeping your natural hair as healthy as possible. This mesh is placed over your crown or thinning areas and used to safely attach the parting and/or extensions to your hair - giving you a full, natural looking head of hair.

The way in which we fit these systems means that there is absolutely no reason to shave or cut your natural hair, it will simply be blended into the extensions to create a seamless, natural finish.

A consultation will be required prior to this service where we will discus your desired thickness, colour and outcome - it is usually an idea to bring along some inspiration pictures to this appointment too! From this appointment, I will then be able to provide you with a price for the service as well as the cost of the maintenance follow ups and aftercare.

If you have experienced sudden hair loss with no explanation, please ensure you visit your GP before attending a consultation to rule out any undiagnosed medical conditions.